Hands-On Ridgefield seeks to train as many by-standers as possible in hands-only CPR and AED use. For every minute someone in cardiac arrest does not receive CPR, their chance of survival decreases by 10%. On average, it takes EMS seven minutes to reach the scene, making by-stander CPR crucial to survival and a positive outcome for the victim.

Hands-On Ridgefield is free to Ridgefield residents. Training sessions will be held on the first three Saturdays in August at nine and ten AM at the Ridgefield Fire Department.

Hands-On Ridgefield was started by Tara Slovinski, a rising senior at School of the Holy Child in Rye, NY. Tara is an EMT with Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. She trained nearly 100 students in her school community in hands-only CPR and AED use. In collaboration with the Ridgefield Fire Dept., she is expanding her mission to her hometown of Ridgefield, CT.

Already, from the use of pre-and post-questionnaires, the effectiveness of the training program has been measured. The results are encouraging with 97% of students feeling comfortable performing hands-only CPR and 100% feeling confident using an AED.

Hands-On Ridgefield hopes to train as many Ridgefielders as possible, starting this summer. Please sign-up to learn these live-saving skills, so you can save the life of a family member, friend, or neighbor.